Picton Heritage & Whaling Museum


Book Launch

“Play of Light on Water” by Val Clifford

Saturday February 8th @ 3pm

Author Val Clifford introduces her new novel “Play of Light on Water” at the Picton Heritage & Whaling Museum on February 8th at 3pm.

Her novel explores the relationship between Ellen and Tom, two people finding refuge and healing themselves, and each other, in the Marlborough Sounds.

A Londoner by birth and now based in Australia, Val spent 20 years living in New Zealand and has a deep love of the Marlborough Sounds.  

Val’s background includes a life of education and women’s health research.   After years of formal research writing, she shifted her focus to memoir and creative writing and has completed two books.

Her first book, a memoir, “Fijian Shadows: Living through the Coup of 2000” covered two years working and living in Fiji when a coup erupted around her.  The book was Highly Commended in the Society of Women Writers NSW Non-Fiction Book Awards 2022.

“Play of Light on Water” is her second book, a novel this time, reflecting her passion for the sea and sailing. It is set in a fictious fishing village in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand. Val says that falling in love with the Sounds when she lived in New Zealand and writing about it is a wonderful excuse to keep returning!

The Picton Historical Society is delighted to invite the public to meet with Val and hear excerpts from her novel.  Signed copies of the book will be available to purchase on the day.  For more information email info@pictonmuseum.co.nz 

New to the Museum

Every now and then we get new items donated to the museum, relating to our local history.  Rather than catelogue them and put them into storage if they don't fit with the current displays, we've decided to put them in their own "New to the Museum" section so they get a chance to shine!  This is a revolving exhibit - so there will be something new to see whenever you visit.


Old flags from the Marlborough District Council - New Zealand flag, Union Jack, New Zealand Ensign.


Collapsible top hat

Belonging to Dr Redman.  Donor Kevin Andrews               

Dr Redman arrived Marlborough in 1899 as Superintendant of Picton Hospital. Served as Mayor of Picton between 1903 and 1914, and in the 1930s was a member of the Marlborough Provincial Historical Committee. 

He imported the first car to the Marlborough province and also the Dursley bike hanging near the entrance to the museum.


PHS2024.5.1  Celluloid Doll (c1910)

PHS2024.6.1  Anchor Stone

PHS2024.7.1  Wedding Dress and Veil

Celluloid Doll

This doll was given to Noreen Mary O'Driscoll by Noreen's uncle after he had a big win at the races, when Noreen was 5 or 6 years old. Noreen was born around 1905.          Donor Pat Willings      

Anchor Stone

Found in Queen Charlotte Sound by Peter Willings in the mid 1970s. Donor Pat Willings  

Wedding Dress and Veil

Worn by Judith Little (neé Gilchrist) on her wedding day in August 1960.